Interview of new host, Sid Maestre of Thinking Into Results
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Guy Dawson:Hello, everyone, and welcome to My name is Guy Dawson, and I am your host. And I have a good friend of mine who has a program, that I think is a life changer. I know it has been in my particular situation, having worked with him with this program over the last couple of years, and Sid Maestri is here to talk about thinking into results today. Welcome, Sid.
Sid Maestre:Thank you, Guy. I'm glad to be here.
Guy Dawson:So thinking into results, what does that represent? Maybe you could give the audience a basic, overview of what thinking into results is.
Sid Maestre:Thinking in results is I wanna say is as the title is changing your thinking, changing your results. And that sounds real easy, but takes a lot of skill and elite coaching to get you through the program to learn to change your paradigm. And the paradigms mean your habits. So in your subconscious mind that puts you on automatic pilot and often isn't frequently, it's not for your for your better good.
Guy Dawson:Yeah. So when it comes to thinking, Sid, I guess a lot of people out there, are of the frame of mind that, well, I'm thinking all the time. Right? So why would I need to go to someone to learn more about my thinking? And as I had mentioned before, I've been working with Sid on this program over the last couple of years.
Guy Dawson:I think the information is phenomenal. But for the novice person out there who doesn't really have much of an understanding, they just assume that they're thinking because we're all of us are. We're thinking all the time. What makes thinking into results special?
Sid Maestre:Well, one of the things is how does the mind work? And we're looking at the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. And where the conscious mind is receiving all this information and data through our 5 senses from outside of us, And it's going going into our subconscious and the way we grew up, what we learn, our environment, everybody that we your teachers, your ministers, your best friend creates how we see the world. And if we're not getting what we want in life, if we'd like to do better, we have to change our thinking. And that's where we a key thing that we we do with this program is learning how your mind's working and how to reprogram it in the specific areas that are holding you back.
Sid Maestre:I wanna go back to the beginning, if I may. Our first lesson, we call it the worthy ideal, and we're dealing with your goals. And we use the worthy ideal as success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. So you've got a good goal. You're going for it.
Sid Maestre:As long as you are moving towards it, you're successful. You're only a failure when you quit. And we're instilling instilling a mindset that to go for your big goal, is really a journey. It's a journey about who you become. It's like the goal the goal is what we're going after, but the reason we're going after it is to learn learn about ourselves.
Sid Maestre:Hit the big goal, you're now prepared to go for another one. But with that great
Guy Dawson:point there, Sid. I didn't mean to cut you off, but there was something I just had to ask you. And it's about when you talked about the subconscious mind, maybe you could give an overview of what the subconscious mind is.
Sid Maestre:I wanna say the the conscious mind knows what it wants to do, but the, I think the a word for the subconscious, it's the gatekeeper. We're programmed to do things a certain way, and we have a new idea, we wanna implement it, and the subconscious is directing the what the body is doing, the action we take. A big a big example that Bob Proctor, whose program created this program, he uses the when someone's on the diet and they see a piece of cake, they're offered a piece of cake, and they know they they know they shouldn't eat it, and they eat it. Why? Because they're programmed.
Sid Maestre:They even if you have a diet that works, whether it's a month, 2 months, you get where you want to do. Well, to go on a diet, you're eating differently. You're behaving differently. As soon as you hit your weight, you go back the way you were before. Very difficult.
Sid Maestre:We teach people to be able to reach their goals, make changes. But when you talk talking about thinking, it's to be able to recognize your thoughts, be able to identify your thoughts that are not supportive. And it makes me think of when we have our goal, 1st lesson is the worthy ideal. It's helping you identify your goals, your personal goals, your professional goals. And when we have a big goal, that we call it a gold card where you write on the back what your goal is.
Sid Maestre:And you're gonna carry this with you, put it in your pocket, put it in your purse. And every time you touch it, look at it, you're picturing your goal. And whenever you're picturing your goal, your goal is vibrating at a higher vibration than you are. The more time you spend thinking about your goal, I wanna say good stuff happens. When you're least expecting it, an idea pops into your head related to your goal when you weren't even trying, and it's learning to recognize that.
Guy Dawson:Yeah. And, Sid, one thing that I think is really important that you, that you touched on a second ago was that we we're doing so many things unconsciously, and we don't realize that we're we're doing these things. And there are lots of people out there who are, goal oriented teachers, people who have all types of different programs, ways that you can achieve your goals. And sometimes I one of the things I see with people is they become very frustrated because they set their goals, and they don't achieve them. And a lot of times, the reason why they're not achieving the goal is because of their lack of understanding that things are happening unconsciously that are preventing them from achieving achieving that goal.
Guy Dawson:Have you experienced that working with people?
Sid Maestre:Oh, yes. Even personally, one of our lessons is we call it the knowing doing gap. People know what they're supposed to do and they're not doing it. And I use an example. There's an essay we have called the common denominator of success.
Sid Maestre:And there's no I'm gonna say no that each that I heard for years before I met Bob Proctor, the Proctor Gallagher Institute, that successful people do things that unsuccessful people don't wanna do. So I heard that for 20, 30 years, but then why but this successful, I like to say, the second shoe hits the floor, the successful people don't wanna do them either. It's begs the question, why do they do them? Because they know what they're what they want. They're committed, and they do what it takes to get what they want.
Sid Maestre:The unsuccessful person will do what's convenient, but they're not committed. And how do you become committed? You get your goal. And at the heart of everything we teach is repetition. Takes repetition on a daily basis.
Sid Maestre:Of looking at your goal. You have a goal statement, vision statement. We help you write. And then every morning, every night, you stand in front of the mirror, and you look yourself in the eye, and you go over your your vision statement, your gold statement, and you do this with emotions. We can only change we change our subconscious.
Sid Maestre:We change our thinking when we get emotionally involved in what we want, which moves you into an area where you'll you'll do what has to be done rather than what's convenient.
Guy Dawson:Yeah. As I mentioned before, Sid, I have personally been working with you on, on this program for quite a while. I just love the exercises, the, the whole way that the program is laid out. It really is insightful on so many levels, just making me much more aware of how my my conditioning and how my thinking reflects the results that I'm able to achieve in my life. And, and but this is really a corporate training program.
Guy Dawson:Isn't it, Sid? Maybe you'd like to talk about the things that you do with teams. I know within our personal team of my business, that we've been incorporating some of these principles. How do you help teams to be more successful?
Sid Maestre:Well, this program was originally, created, for corporations, team building. And real quickly, Sandy Gallagher is an attorney financial attorney at the top of her game and done 100 of 1,000,000,000 of dollars of transactions and meets Bob around 2,006. Had never heard of him, and someone invited to a seminar. And then she says that she was hearing things she'd never heard before. And her thought was, I need to take this teaching into the boardrooms of America.
Sid Maestre:She'd been working with mergers, acquisitions, and IPOs. When you bring 2 cultures together, you need to have a plan how they can work together, and we teach them that in as companies or teams in thinking in the results. And I have in our workbook in our worksheets with this program, you've got your personal goals, but you've also got your team goals. And the idea is for whatever team you're on, you all wanna be going in the same direction. And you you want to be totally in tune with what the corporation's mission is and people working together.
Sid Maestre:I like to say, if you and I alone, we're working on a project, and we have some ideas, but when we join together and sharing them, then we create a 3rd mind that's bigger than the 2 of us individually. So working with, with each mass having how to work with the mastermind, how to be open, open to sharing ideas.
Guy Dawson:It's been so impactful. I know for our team, Sid, that we have been just taking the a look at our approach to life and business and kind of that overlap in a corporate culture. You know, we're we as you had mentioned before, we achieve results together that benefit everyone. And so when you get people interested in their thinking, I I would say that my endorsement many endorsements of this program. But I think the major endorsement that I have of it, personally, I've I had an understanding of the subconscious mind prior to getting involved with this and actually learning this material.
Guy Dawson:But I think that when you're working group with groups of people and you start to get them to examine their thinking and, the clear language that Bob Proctor uses as a part of of this program and Sandy Gallagher, I think it really is an eye opener for the team members. It makes them much more self aware, and I feel that growth comes from self awareness. Would you like to speak to the increased self awareness, that I have experienced as I mentioned and others experience as a result of being a part of the thinking into results program.
Sid Maestre:Well, we have exercises where you're the self identification of the thoughts and ideas that that you've been operating under to be able to recognize which ones are not productive. And when you identify a situation, you're thinking that's not working primarily if if you have something going on in your life. And we'd like to say, you're looking at your checkbook and you've got a money problem and you're you're not handling it. Well, you write it we have an exercise where you're gonna write write out the story of your financial situation, all the how how you see it, and all the negative part of it, and then be able to rate write a polar opposite, a pause a positive statement about your about your finances. I'm sorry.
Sid Maestre:I'm being grateful now that I'm financially responsible. I have abundance. I always have money in my in my checking account, my savings account. I sleep better at night. A number of statements like that related to the worries about finances you had before.
Sid Maestre:So that's just one one example of identifying a situation that's not working or could just be just be a particular thought that's a negative thought that's holding you back. We want you to reverse it, make it a positive, and the repetition is writing it every day.
Guy Dawson:Yes. The writing part is very impactful. And, I in society nowadays, people don't do a lot of writing necessarily, but there are so many neurological advantages to just writing things out. And that's another thing that I really enjoy about about the thinking and the results program. One of the reasons why I had Sid come and do this interview with me today is that we are launching a new podcast here at, starring Sid Mistry.
Guy Dawson:And, Sid, would you like to discuss what you're going to be talking about in the new podcast thinking into results?
Sid Maestre:I would love to share that. Our program is a 6 month program, and we have 12 lessons. And you're working your lessons twice a day. They're about 20 minutes when you get up and at night. And the key thing about these, what we're teaching is this repetition and the worksheets we have.
Sid Maestre:What we're teaching you is how to apply them. We're teaching you about about your goals, about the knowing doing gap, about your self image, how the mind works, how how you can change. I'm gonna say the one one example is we grew up saying, count to 10 before you speak if there's something, generally, something negative you're thinking about. But we're teach teaching you too. If you if you're doing something a certain way and it doesn't work normally, We would try it again.
Sid Maestre:Well, it worked last time. Well, it's not working this time, but we're gonna try it again. We're gonna try it again. I think they use that as a definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. You've got you've got that's when you have to pause.
Sid Maestre:And and if you're trained, we're training people. If it's not working, you have to pause. You have to look at there's gotta be another way. That's also with the teams get stuck. Someone's gonna come up with another way to look at it.
Sid Maestre:Another perspective. We get into leadership. We get into attitude into the mastermind, and we have one particular one. We call it praxis. The praxis is bringing things into alignment so that your thinking and your emotions are aligned to create the action steps and the results that you want.
Sid Maestre:I could back up for just a moment when I was talking about the subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is the emotional mind. And when we use the word feelings, that's how we're our conscious mind is expressing emotions as feelings, And I don't feel like doing something. I'm afraid to do something. Well, that's an emotional reaction in your subconscious of not wanting to do it and being able to recognize your fears and be able to, I would say, we call it the terror barrier.
Sid Maestre:Break into the terror barrier. My favorite example is in sales, you've gotta pick up the phone and and talk to a stranger. People have a hard time picking up the phone. A lot of things that we know we have to do for success, and we sabotage ourself because our we're not programmed to do things new.
Guy Dawson:Yes. We are very excited, Sid, to be bringing the information, within the program, thinking into results to I think you're going to really, create some breakthroughs for people out there. And I personally am a huge believer in personal and professional development in terms of working towards goals. And, if you would consistently watch this this podcast that Sid is going to be hosting on our network, I really feel that you will have shifts, in thinking.
Guy Dawson:And, again, Sid, along with doing this podcast, you also coach people on these principles. You're a facilitator for Procter Gallagher. Would you like to let the audience know how they can get in contact with you if they'd like to learn more about bringing you on as a facilitator or, any other information about you.
Sid Maestre:Certainly. I also I do wanna add that I'll be doing a series of podcasts. There's 12 lessons, and we'll do a lesson at each each podcast. They can reach me at But but also just will bring you to the information on my website.
Sid Maestre:You get a video with Bob Procter and Sally Gallagher talking about talking about leadership, and you can go to the contact me, put in your information, and I'll get back to you very quickly. We can do a discovery session either on the phone or with Zoom.
Guy Dawson:Sid Maestry is the host of a brand new show over here at called thinking into results. And, again, as someone who is participating, in the program, I wholeheartedly endorse all the principles, and I, also strongly encourage those of you who have bold, audacious goals that you want to achieve in your personal or professional life to tune in to this podcast. The the foundational information that CIT is going to offer you through these 12 modules will be life changing. And so, again, thank you so much, Sid, for becoming a part of our team over here at PR Connections Radio, and, we are so looking forward to listening to the wisdom and insight that you're going to share as you walk our viewers through these 12 modules of thinking into results.
Sid Maestre:Thank you, Guy. I appreciate the invitation and look forward to sharing this information with the world.
Guy Dawson:Alright. And we thank all of you for tuning in to, this podcast, and we wanna continue to encourage you to watch shows at, the voice of new media. We stream on multiple social media platforms. Please like and subscribe us on YouTube and follow us on all of our other social media platforms. And, again, personal and professional development is going to really be a topic that that Sid will address at a level that is truly unique.
Guy Dawson:And so we're really looking forward to, to having his new show at this network. And, again, thank you all for tuning in. Have a wonderful day, and we'll see you on the next show here at, the voice of new media. Take care of yourself.
Sid Maestre:Thank you, Guy.
Narrator:PR Connections Radio thanks you for watching this podcast. Check out more episodes of this show and our others at
